Saturday, April 30, 2005

Episode #6 - A PSP Soundeeing Type Tour

Welcome to the Sixth installment of the Podcast. Ususally we do the show on a Tuesday, but last week, there was a loss in my family and I had to take care of business, like I always say "Family First". It is saddening to lose someone you really care about, so I need to strengthen up and move on so to speak.

This week is kind of an experiment, and I would really like your feedback. I did a PSP soundseeing tour of...well me unpacking a PSP. I hope you like it as much as I've enjoyed doing it. Bought a couple of games too, so you can count on reviews as I countdown the battery charge time of 2 hours and 20 minutes. But I did have another game slated for review on Tuesday/Wednesday. So I hope you enjoy it. Thanks!!!!





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